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What is purpose of English activities?

                                                                 First we need to consider what kind of event
                                                                 layout. Competition content - World Scholar's
                                                                 Cup;  ECNAIS  debate,  discussion  and
                                                                 negotiation - Model United Nations, cultural
                                                                 projects  organized  with  events  -  Erasmus
                                                                 plus;  It  it  considered  as  the  World  Scholar's
                                                                 Cup;  eTwinning  Projects.  It  is  very  difficult
                                                                 for a person who receives language education
                                                                 in Turkey to apply what he has learned in the
                                                                 classroom  environment.  Since  individuals
                                                                 from  different  nations  live  together  in
                                                                 European  countries,  they  communicate  with
                                                                 different languages in their lives. The aim of
                                                                 the English events held in Turkey is to enable
                                                                 students  to  use  the  Content-Based  learning
               approach  effectively  as  well  as  carefully  to  use  the  documents  to  be  distributed.  The  registration
               records received are recorded in the CV as qualifications. Another purpose is to provide individuals
               with the ability to apply 21st century skills. With these activities, there is an environment to practice
               collaboration, communication, and critical thinking and creativity. At the same time, when a culture
               comes  and  goes  in  many  national  and  international  places,  these  events  enable  different  and
               multiplying people to come together and establish a social network.

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